Sunday, October 28, 2007

Richard Simmons where are you?

Last night as I tossed and turned (yes it seems 50 and insomia go hand in hand) I realized what we are missing - MOTIVATION. We do not miss and need or want the nutritionist, the scale weigher, the lecturer - we want the Motivator. The person who builds us up, gets us excited, the person that we do not want to disappoint. Sure we know this weight loss thingy is for us but deep down inside, we all need to do it for someone so we don't disappoint them. We never really do it just for us because we grew up thinking if we did something just for us then we were called selfish.
We watch the Biggest Loser and the next day, we take turkey for lunch, have salad and piece of chicken for dinner but within 2 nghts after the weekly show we are having KFC or Mickey D's. Come on admit it. WW preaches parking your car the farthest away from your desination - hey I live in Florida and there is a 90% chance that when I return to my car - it's raining so guess what - I will waste a tank of gas to get the closest parking spot. On the other hand, my mother parks so far away that you need to call a cab to get to the store. Is it a generation thing or does she figure the farther away, less crowded the parking lot area, easier to recognize her car - that must be the reason for not excercising.
Today's schedule - nothing much - a little of this; a little of that.
As you may or may not know, I am trying this journey by reducing the white stuff - yeh the potatoes, white bread etc so my motto today is:
"If it's white it ain't right, if it's brown, let it down"
Hey I know my grammer is not the best but lets be realistic here - this is only a blog written by an overweight adult with pudgy fingers so I think it is just fine.

Till tomorrow -

1 comment:

michele said...

So another day starts again, and as I walk down stairs I am up against the same question, what's for breakfast. Breakfast, a meal that I could certainly live without. Hey the only food I like that is breakfast food is banana walnut pancakes or a Beacon Egg and Cheese on a nice soft bagel. And lets just say, neither one is on the health food list. But that is what I like. I don't care what anyone says, I cannot get all fired up over yogurt, cottage cheese and fruit, poached eggs with dry whole wheat bread, lumpy oatmeal, high fiber cereal (hey with my stomach, extra fiber is not my friend people, I have no problem in that department) so I hate breakfast. I would rather just skip it, get a medium Dunkin Donuts Hot Choclate and that would be my dream breakfast. It is bringing a smile to my face right now thinking about a DD hot coco. Now those other breakfast foods don't to that for me. Lunch, I love lunch, if that was the only meal in my day I would be so happy. I would rather have a big lunch and have a cup of soup for lunch or some cheese and crackers and I would be happy. This 5 meals a day, eat breakfast, don't eat after 7pm, hun, I hate rules people. I lived by so many rules growing up, not mine, others that now at 43 F++K the rules, I hate rules, I hate doing things like they so called should be. Hey I have to teenage girls and dam, there are some rules that I don't believe they have to live by. Why because someone years and years ago made up. I don't even like some rules that the state has made. Rules, imagein only living by your rules, WOW, I would be so happy. I would live by my rules, not my grandparents, parents, teachers, bosses, husbands, kids or even sometimes friends rules, but my RULES. Damn here is what I imagein one of my days could be. Get up at 9am maybe take a shower it depends who Regis and Kelly have on, then get dressed for work, maybe casual, maybe dressy, maybe jeans and a sweater (my choice again), then stop by DD for a hot chocolate, get to work and say goodmorning and chat a bit with everyone before starting work, not just walk by peoples desk say the approiate goodmorning and keep on walking by that you don't even her there answer becuase you were to much in a hurry on get to your desk by 10am sharp. Imagine really stopping and listening to just what that person had to say or if they are really having a good morning. Then you do your work with a radio on that has your favorite station on, then lunch time. Go to lunch with a friend, order whatever seems to excite you (me it is usually a #3 at McDonalds) get back to work when you want, 45 mins later or maybe 1 & 1/2 hours later, then when :your: time for working is up for the day, you decided to do whatever you want, shopping, dinner with friends, movies, or maybe you may actually like to go to the gym. But remember you have to want to go, no it's good for you, your living a life You want to live, not your doctor, your diet councleor or a magizine with the new styles that lets get real only are fit to look right on a teen ager. Who the hell brought back leggings, leggings have no right to be made in a size large and if you aren't wearing a bikini on the beach, you should not own a pair of leggings. Anything that has that much streach in fabric, should be banned from the country. Ladies, no no, you don't look good coming and going you don't believe me. My girls they look good, but they are 14 & 16, by 21 bye bye leggings... And how about those "baby doll" tops, you know what I wore those when I was pregaent and there is no way I am slipping my 43 year old body into one of those so that the moms at the high school wonder if my tube tying didn't work. No way. Some things went out of style for a reason. Please don't bring them back. Please don't let start on legg warmers, I thought they were a staple in my clothes line in the 80's, designers, have you run out of ideas. Hello, what about jeans that actually make your butt look decent, could we make the pockets alittle bigger, so that it doesn't look like my ass ate part of the back pocket. Anyway my journey is a one day at a time, but sometimes I wait until 12:01am so that I can eat a few pieces of chocolate so that it's tommorrows problem. Keep up the journey and do it with a postive attitude, because without being positive, we really don't want to hear you whining....