Tuesday, October 30, 2007

3 Cheers for Lane Bryant

First of all - to all my weight challenged friends - please read the comments left on the blog - the comments are priceless.

Okay - Lane Bryant
This afternoon I stopped by a Lane Bryant with a friend - and I must give credit where credit is due - they seem to only hire those people whom they are trying to sell to. There were no size 0-12 or even 14 today. The women working were women who would be able to wear the sizes that Lane Byrant sells. When I lived in Connecticut, I went to the Lane. Bryant in the Trumbull Mall and the women who worked there would not be able to fit into GAP clothing. Well the same thing in Florida, these girls could only wear what they sold and I think that is wonderful. Employ those people who your clientel can relate to.

I also have a suggestion to WW - hire those people who are "a work in progress". What I am trying to say is why do you always have to have WW leaders who stand up in front and say "Hi, my name is Skinny and I will be passing along my pictures when my name was Fatty and if I can do it so can you". Employee people who have reached their first 10% and are working towards their next 10% - have someone stand in front of you and say I am with you, I get weighed in the same time as you do, I go up & down with you, etc. Those people who say here I am, I am the example, I am where you want to be - you just want to smack them.


Monday, October 29, 2007

ever want that something - But

All day today I wanted something but I could not figure out what it is that I want. This was all day long - I thought about the 15 individual serving bags of JAX that I have in the garage and didn't want them. Now I know what you're thinking - wow she has such will power - nah - I ate the other 16 bags last week so right now I have had my fill of JAX.
I ventured out today (I work from home)and thought about stopping at Starbucks but decided that all the calories in an Iced Caramel Machiatta was not worth it - okay I did not have enough cash on me to buy it so that's why I didn't get it.

So as I sit here full from dinner I still have that feeling that I want something but can't figure it out -

Hopefully by the time I figure it out I will be to tired to do anything about it -

Until tomorrow

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Richard Simmons where are you?

Last night as I tossed and turned (yes it seems 50 and insomia go hand in hand) I realized what we are missing - MOTIVATION. We do not miss and need or want the nutritionist, the scale weigher, the lecturer - we want the Motivator. The person who builds us up, gets us excited, the person that we do not want to disappoint. Sure we know this weight loss thingy is for us but deep down inside, we all need to do it for someone so we don't disappoint them. We never really do it just for us because we grew up thinking if we did something just for us then we were called selfish.
We watch the Biggest Loser and the next day, we take turkey for lunch, have salad and piece of chicken for dinner but within 2 nghts after the weekly show we are having KFC or Mickey D's. Come on admit it. WW preaches parking your car the farthest away from your desination - hey I live in Florida and there is a 90% chance that when I return to my car - it's raining so guess what - I will waste a tank of gas to get the closest parking spot. On the other hand, my mother parks so far away that you need to call a cab to get to the store. Is it a generation thing or does she figure the farther away, less crowded the parking lot area, easier to recognize her car - that must be the reason for not excercising.
Today's schedule - nothing much - a little of this; a little of that.
As you may or may not know, I am trying this journey by reducing the white stuff - yeh the potatoes, white bread etc so my motto today is:
"If it's white it ain't right, if it's brown, let it down"
Hey I know my grammer is not the best but lets be realistic here - this is only a blog written by an overweight adult with pudgy fingers so I think it is just fine.

Till tomorrow -

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Good or Bad - I'll decide for myself

Went to Red Lobster tonight - how did I do ?- well let's see
Rolls - no thank you; Salad - yes; Appetizer - yes; Main course - yes; dessert - no
Unbuttoned pants - no; Able to get in & out of booth - yes
Brought home 1/2 of appetizer
Let's review again - did not weigh food, did not count points, did not get it out of microwave cup; did not deprive myself. Left restaurant contented - no remorse or guilt. I think I did fantastic - I am 51 freaking years old - I know to stay away from fried foods and all those desserts and stuff and tonight I did just that - enjoyed a nice meal.
Will I get on the scale tomorrow - WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY? I am sure there was more sodium in my meal tonight than there is in a salt stick - I can wait until Tuesday.
Will I tell you what I weigh? Eventually - when I feel in my heart that I have some control over my weight. I never want to feel 100% in control because that is when I become lax and think I have overcome my obstacle.
In a world where the opportunity to control things is so limited, I can control my weight (with fingers, toes and eyes crossed).
This is just the beginning of my journey - wish me luck - I have extended my hand to all - let's share this journey.


FFF - Fifty, Fat and Frustrated

Okay so where do I start - I have been overweight all my life so when I turned 20, I said to myself - okay now its time to get your head in the game and lose weight.Guess what - same thing was done at 30, 40, 45,50 -now at 51 I am saying -okay get your head out of your ass and do something.

I have done WW, Nutri system, Medfast,etc - guess what? I realized by factoring in the common denominator that they all work - I was the one who did not work. Sure I did what everyone does when they get something new - work it ,work it, work it and then I run out of gas and say "screw it" I can do this myself.

I know exactly what I can do by myself and I am very successful at it although not very proud of it - I can put all kinds of food in my mouth and watch the scale increase in numbers. Now, there are numbers that we all want to see increase, such as salary, bank accounts, toys and gadgets but the one number we do not want to see increase is the number on a bathroom scale.