Friday, November 9, 2007

A promise to myself

So tonight in a severe case of self-indulgence I consumed 4 slices of pizza - oh please close your mouth - we have all done this at some point. I feel full, sick, and just plain basically - why the hell did I do that to myself.

So here is my promise to myself - tomorrow I will treat my body in a way it deserves to be treated, in a way that I want it to last another 50 years, in a way that I will not be ashamed of. i leave on Sunday for a week's business trip and this is a time for me to get my shit together.

In a world where we cannot control illness, employment, love, hate, height, looks - I can control my weight

Till next week


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I wish I was one of those people who -------

When they get stressed, they cannot eat
Had stronger discipline
Had more self control
I wish I wish I wish

I come from a loving family - a family who I knew loved me unconditionally
I have been with my partner for 27 years and with whom my life would be incomplete
Parents who let their kids know how important they were\are
Grandparents who only wanted to love you to death
A sister that means the world to me - without my partner and my sister my world would not exist
Nieces who give me the privilege of being part of their lives
Brother, Nephews who I love

So yes I could wish to be 50 pounds lighter and one day my wish may come true but if it means giving up anything listed above - forgetabout - I will weigh what I weigh because from the list above - all my wishes have come true


Sunday, November 4, 2007

We will all get there - eventually

Right now things are at a stand still - there are days when I wake up and say this will be a breeze and then something happens and it goes down hill. I have accomplished one thing - I do not keep things in the house that I know, if I let myself, I will eat the entire package. I am trying but I know deep down I am not giving it 100%, not putting forth the effort that I know I can and need to do.
Why? Somedays I feel that I am carryig more on my shoulders than my weight but this is life, some people have it easier, others have it harder. Either way, we all have our struggles and we all deal with them in our own way.

Tomorrow is monday - next week - new day - new beginnings

My goal - for you to see less of me next week (I know you can't see me but you will)


Thursday, November 1, 2007

No luck so far

I searched the internet and found a large listing of foods that WW says can be included in the CORE program - lots of food, should be able to follow the program so tell me something - how come when I went out last night I managed to eat everything that was not listed? How can that be when there are over 1,000 items on this damn list that I found.
motivation - missing
desire - I would say yes but doesn't that tie in with motivation If I had the desire, I would be motivated.

Other people wake up and just do not think about what they will eat, when they will eat it

Do I live to eat or Eat to Live?