Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I wish I was one of those people who -------

When they get stressed, they cannot eat
Had stronger discipline
Had more self control
I wish I wish I wish

I come from a loving family - a family who I knew loved me unconditionally
I have been with my partner for 27 years and with whom my life would be incomplete
Parents who let their kids know how important they were\are
Grandparents who only wanted to love you to death
A sister that means the world to me - without my partner and my sister my world would not exist
Nieces who give me the privilege of being part of their lives
Brother, Nephews who I love

So yes I could wish to be 50 pounds lighter and one day my wish may come true but if it means giving up anything listed above - forgetabout - I will weigh what I weigh because from the list above - all my wishes have come true


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, how true your comment is about wishing for things but not seeing what is right in front of you. I have a priviledge life, family, kids, friends, so how come I make that square metal box dictate how I feel about myself. If I programed it to say what I want to weigh, psycoloigally I would have a great day, but as soon as I see a number I don't like, I freak out, become a bitch and hate everything. Life is too short to make me and everyone around me upset just because the scale shows something that I don't want to see. I hear and read about women that don't own a scale and/or don't know what they weigh, are you kidding me, I can tell you what I weigh at anytime during a day at any moment. I would be freaking out if I didn't own a scale or no what i weigh. That logic that well if your clothes still fit, your good. I dont know about you, but I have about 2 different sizes in my closet with the size tags cut out, so that bit about your clothes fitting and your good, no not me, I could be gaining and not know, and better yet, I could be losing and not know. So I will bow to the sqaure metal scale this morning like every other day until I can just do it maybe everyother day. I will be honest I really hate the scale, right now I am happy and content, now I will step on the scale and maybe not feel that way anymore. My goal is to somehow not worship that scale as much. Any opinions about how to break this habit is welcomed. I looked up in the yellow pages for SA rehab centers but there are no "Scale Anonomymus" centers around. I guess it would go like this, Hi my name is Michele and I am addicted to my scale. Oh, well have a great day...